Easily hide your files and folders on your Android device

As we all know we have some important files and folders on our phone, and we don't want anyone to see those files. So we need to hide them from other users. But if you want a nice software to easily hide and un hide files on your Android phone you'll have to spend some pennies to get that kind of software.

Well don't worry, I'll show you a very easy trick to hide your files on your Android smartphone. By using this trick you'll be able to hide your files from being listed in Media Player also. So lets head to the tricks, Follow the steps given below:


1. Download and install a free file explorer on your smartphone. You can download Solid explorer, File commander or any other.

2. Now open the file explorer and browse and navigate your file or folder in your phone.

3. Now any file or folder you want to hide, Rename that File/folder and put (.) DOT before the file name and save it. For example I'll change my filename hacktolearn.mp3 to .hacktolearn.mp3 OR Change folder name Videos to .videos

4. Do it to any File or Folder on your android device and your file/folder will be hidden.

5. Your android phone will not recognize the Extension of file, so it will stop showing that File or Folder on your phone.


1. If you want to unhide those Files or folders, Just do it reverse.

2. Change your file/folder name and remove (.) DOT from its name, for example, change .videos to videos OR change .hacktolearn.mp3 to hacktolearn.mp3

So it was really easy, wasn't it? If you want to share any other trick or want any other help regarding phone or PC, let us know and we'll help you solving your problem. Visit daily...


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