Xplore 1.60 symbian

X-plore is a file manager for mobile phones, with wide range of functions on the file system of your mobile device. Features .Viewalldrives / folders / fileson phone in tree view1 *.Integratedtextandimage viewer *.View filedetails *.Edit fileattributes(hidden, read-only, etc) *.Renameanddeletefiles *.Createoredittext files *.Createfolders *.Multi-selection *.Copyormovefiles and folders *.Send files viaBluetooth *.Extract files fromZip,Rar,Jararchives *.Packfiles toZiparchive *.ViewWorddocuments *.Hardwaredevice info .Viewprocessesandtasks2 *.Built-in programupdater .Viewing, saving files inmessagingfolders3 *.Hexviewer and editor *.Searchfiles *.Folderhotkeys *.Simpleaudioplayer .Simplevideoplayer3 *1 Protected folders on Symbian 9.x are not accessible *2 Available only on Symbian 7/8 *3 Available only on Symbian



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