Free gprs trick of Airtel via Opera Mini for android and symbian users

Android and Symbian Users have to create following setting in their mobile :

Name/Profile Name : Airtel By Anil

Proxy : 37.228.106. 226

Port : 80


Save it and Activate it as your default internet setting. First of all download Opera Mini From Here.

Now Create the settings which are shown below;

After that save and activate the settings.

Now Open the downloaded Opera Mini and then scroll down to proxy type.

Proxy Type--> HTTP.

Proxy server--->

Now click on save button and let itinitialize.

Note:- Use this trick at zero balance. Download limit is 100 mb per day


For Android

download.gifOpera-Next 7.5-handler-HUI.apk

for symbian download.gifopmin71hui208lite.jar


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