
Most Important Google URLs that Every Internet User Should Know

Google always do something better and unique for his customers that’s why Google is Number 1 product in Internet. Now Google is much more than search engine. Google provide lots of services and tools like Gmail, Google Search, Google Plus, Google Play and more. Here i post some best Google urls that gonna help you make in Google Pro User. With these below url you can use more helpful google services from your computer. When you search anything in , google save your all queries. This is true or you can also see your all google searches from this url. You can delete this queries from this url. You can see your all google searches day by day or month by month from thus url. Google made this website for developers/ coders and programmer. Here you find lots of codes from many developers. You can also create your own program from this google website. Here you find lots of tools and services for developer. Google show you most relevant and your interest based ads on your computer.

How to Find Duplicate Files in Your PC and Mobile

Duplicate files are one of the major problems in Windows PC and other data storage devices. Many times when we have low data storage capacity. Especially if you use SSD in PC and laptop, you know the value of your data. Too many duplicates files grab your precious space in your hard disk. Nobody wants useless data in computer and mobile. Here we give you amazing trick for finding duplicate file in your PC We save lots of files in the computer and accidentally we also save duplicates files in the computer. Here we teach you how to find duplicates file in the computer and delete one by one. Download CCleaner software for your Window PC, believe me, this is one of the best ways for finding duplicate files in your PC. CCleaner optimizes your PC for better performance. If you don’t know more about CCleaner read it from here ccleaner Find Duplicates Files in Your Android Mobile Duplicate Media Remover is the best app for finding duplicate media in android mobile. You can easily find duplicat

How to Play Facebook Messenger’s Secret Chess Game

Facebook is one of the biggest social networking websites on the internet. They tried everything to stay you always on facebook. How Can you Play Facebook Secret Chess Game in your Computer and Mobile Step 1. Open Facebook messenger website on your computer from this link Messenger Step 2. Now open any of your facebook friend chat. Step 3. Now type @fbchess play command in the chat box and hit enter. Step 4. Now you see facebook started secret chess game in your chat box. Step 5. If you need any help , type @ fbchess help and you get all commands in your chat box. You can also play this game in your mobile messenger app. Now play this game with your facebook friends. If you want more facebook tricks read it from below links- Facebook Tips N Tricks

Anil Gupta's Mobile Blog

Facebook New Hidden Url Tricks

Facebook releases so many features but we don’t many secrets of the Facebook. Here in this post we revealed some secrets Facebook url tricks that works in your PC web browser and mobile browser. Below include some new features and tricks that works with Facebook. These all tricks offered by Facebook so try this hidden Facebook tricks and enjoy the feature of Facebook 1. Facebook Messenger Website Recently Facebook launched standalone website for Facebook Messenger. We all know Facebook Messenger is great android application for chatting with your Facebook friends. Now you can also chat with your Facebook friends without opening Messanger website give you clean layout with great ui. You can chat with your any Facebook friends with many great features. Try this new Facebook chat tricks in your facebook from this url Facebook Messenger 2 Onthisday Feature Onthisday is great feature by facebook for refreshing your old memories on facebook. With this feature you can see your

Android Mobile Phone Secret Code

30 Android Hidden Tips and Tricks; Works with Samsung, HTC, Motorola and Others It is no trade secret now that Android is the #1 smartphone operating systems in the world. However, there are enough reasons behind this overnight success story. Based on the Open Source software theory Android offers numerous flexibility and exclusive features which are yet to be seen in the rivals. For example, Android offers file transfer via Bluetooth, offers portable storage, allow install apps from anywhere, multi-tasking with split screen and many more which several rivals are yet to offer. Apart from all these, Android also offers several secret codes, which can actually open a new world of smartphone computing for you. These codes are usually a sequence of numbers and symbols and meant to be entered through the usual phone dial pad which you usually use for inputting numbers before placing a call. Following are the secret codes for you. Please read the subsequent result before trying them out, sin

How to Measure Your Website Speed and Load Times

Tools for Measuring Website Speed