
Android hidden secret game

Bored at work? In line at the supermarket? Need to keep the kids entertained? Android has a hidden video game. For all android users follow the below steps for exploring the hidden game . Android hidden secret game 1>Settings->> About phone->> Tap on Android version multiple times quickly . 2>Then you will get the basic logo of that Android version . 3>Hold on the logo contionously for some 4-5 seconds . Now the game comes. Enjoy yourselves.

How to find out if someone has secretly logged on to your Facebook account.

Here's how.

My new exported blog

My new exported blog

Top 5 Private Search Engines That Never Track your Searches

Whenever you browse any website, your IP and MAC address gets recorded to that site which can easily keep track on your activity. So to get protected from all these you have to browse anonymously on the internet. Therefore, here we have stated the search engines that will not keep track of your searches. About two out of three people in the world are utilizing the internet in daily life. On this world wide web, there are numerous organizations who are prepared to look after this world’s immense network because in this network unauthorized activities can also happen which can involve hacking and terrorism etc. So there are some spy organizations which are established to track the users who are using the internet in their devices. And now search engines like Google Keeps tracks on user searched keywords, that means you are not at all private. So here are some of the best search engines that you will surely like to use as they will not keep track on your searches. So have a look on comple...

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pukarti Maa Bharti


How to Calculate Your Body Mass Index

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women Enter your weight and height using standard or metric measures Select "Compute BMI" and your BMI will appear below